Kota Kinabalu, June 3, 2021 – Asian Ecotourism Network announced today that Timothy Teo, a Borneo Eco Tours and Sukau Rainforest Lodge director, has been appointed to the organisation’s board. Timothy Teo hopes that this prestigious appointment will continue to place Borneo Eco Tours and Sukau Rainforest Lodge at the forefront of shaping ecotourism globally while also ensuring a global standard here in Borneo. It is our hope that the success of ecotourism here in Borneo will inspire other like-minded individuals and organisations to pursue a part of sustainability, caring for the people and our planet while developing tourism.

Established in June 2015 in Bangkok, AEN is a network organisation that connects stakeholders in Asia comprising communities, public sectors, private tourism and hospitality sectors, NGOS and academia for knowledge transfer, consulting, marketing, and business development to achieve sustainability at a regional scale.
After 6 fruitful years since AEN’s founding, Albert Teo will be stepping down as Vice Chair. Albert has been in the tourism industry for the last forty-three years and believes that the time is right for him to pass the baton on to other leaders. He founded the Borneo Eco Tours 30 years ago and the Sukau Rainforest Lodge 25 years ago, both winning numerous international awards including 2019 Asia’s Most Eco-Friendly Boutique Hotel Awards, Asia’s Leading Green Hotel, Wild Asia Responsible Award, PATA Tourism Inspire Award, Tourism Malaysia Best 3 Stars Hotel Award and MATTA Best Inbound Tour (Eco) Award.
He is the founder of the non-profit Borneo Ecotourism Solutions and Technologies (BEST) which received the UNWTO Ulysses Award for excellence and innovation in tourism. Albert served as an adjunct lecturer of the Edith Cowan University and was made a Fellow at the ECU as well as served as Adjunct Professor of University Malaysia Sabah.
He has also served in various capacity in the tourism industry including Sabah Chapter Chairman of Malaysian Association of Tours and Travel Agents; Chairman of the Sabah Tourist Association; Board of Advisors to Global Ecotourism network; and Marketing Committee of the Sabah Tourism Board. Albert received the Special Minister’s award in 2019 at the Sabah Tourism Award Night. He is a keen photographer and a prolific writer and author with ten published books including the best-selling "Sabah-Land of the Sacred Mountain", "Journey through Borneo", "Saving Paradise-The Story of Sukau Rainforest Lodge" co-authored with Carol Patterson, and his latest book "A Souvenir of Sabah Malaysian Borneo".