Fresh start for 2017! This year is the International Year for Sustainable Tourism Development. Sukau Rainforest Lodge is an Eco-lodge that follows the ecotourism principles and among many things, tries to cause the less environmental impact possible through the implementation of eco-friendly practices such as the water and energy saving and proper waste management.
1. Monthly activity: Sustainability talk
- Introduction to the UN Sustainable Development Goals
- Briefing for 2017 International Year of Sustainable Tourism Development
- Waste management briefing
On 26th of January, a presentation was conducted for SRL staff with some guest who joined and participated in the discussion. There were a few subject that was approached during the presentation, which where staff were introduced to the UN Sustainable Development Goals, the 2017 International Year of Sustainable Tourism Development which include tourism global impact and 5 specific goals for 2017, and waste management.
Sukau Rainforest Lodge trained staff, increasing their awareness and daily commitment. Quality education is offered on a regular basis, not just in the environmental field, but in several areas of study.
2. UN Sustainable Development GOALS & 2017 IYSTD – Bilit Wing Board
3. SRL recycling & compost process update
- Staff awareness briefing
- Recycling system
Rearrangement of the recycling system and sale restart. Recycling and composting is compulsory in every place of Sukau Rainforest Lodge, including staff quarters. Each department is in charge of one place.
4. English classes
Every Monday, from 8pm to 9pm, an English class is conducted in staff quarters in order to provide a higher education and to meet the staff IDP goals.
5. No polystyrene from outside
When the staff visit a local market which also known as Tamu, they are not allowed to bring any polystyrene to the lodge and plastic bags are forbidden every Saturday. Reusable bags are available in every van and boat for the guides to carry the guests`packed lunch.
6. Monthly activity: Sustainability talk
On 16 & 17 of February, a presentation was conducted to SDK & SRL staff. The subject approached on that day was about SRL green policies & sustainable practices.
Prepared by: Filipa Gomes