If there's one thing that every animal or wildlife lover knows, is that the wildlife belong in their natural habitat, regardless whether they are endangered or not. But even if you aren't one, it's a given that wildlife everywhere deserve to live a safe and peaceful life. Here at Sukau Rainforest Lodge, we're grateful that we have a wonderful team who is aware of this and will do whatever they can to protect the wildlife that we have here.
Just last week, our maintenance guy, Muslimin or more fondly known as Mus, did the noble thing of rescuing a pangolin from the clutches of people who captured the poor creature who tried to sell it to interested buyers for Rm300 in Lahad Datu. Mus had threatened the sellers with the law and explained to them that the pangolin is an endangered wildlife . The pangolin is totally protected in Sabah, as well as under international laws, where two of eight pangolin species are listed as Critically Endangered on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. The pangolin joins the rank of the pygmy elephants, orangutans and many other iconic species as protected wildlife here in Sabah. Being totally protected means that these wildlife are forbidden to be hunted, consumed or sold for their parts.
The rescued pangolin
Since it was late in the night, and calling and waiting for the authorities would take too much time, Mus decided to negotiate with the sellers so that they wouldn't walk away freely with the Pangolin in their captivity. With a little price, they were willing to handover the pangolin to Mus for RM100, which Mus willingly paid. Even if that's the case, at least Mus was able to share some awareness about endangered wildlife to the sellers and managed to save the poor pangolin from further danger by taking it back to Sukau.
Last Saturday, we had a releasing ceremony for the pangolin and many of our guests at that time had the chance to witness the joyous occasion. It was indeed a beautiful sight. Before the releasing of the pangolin, our guide Jonathan had briefed the guests about the pangolin and to make sure to keep a safe distance from it as to not scare or stress the animal. One of our guest, Tania Parker volunteered to help release the pangolin. One of the touching moments of this occasion is when the pangolin went over to Tania as if to say thank you and goodbye, before it scurrying off into the rainforest, towards its freedom.
This pangolin is actually the second one we have released so far. The first one was released some time end of last year.
Pangolins have been facing a serious threat for the past several years and is known as one of the most trafficked wildlife in the world. The species is even said to be "eaten to extinction" in some parts of the world where people believe that its meat and scales have magical healing properties.
These creatures are very important in the ecosystem as they are nature's 'pest controllers' as termites are on the list of a pangolin's menu. Pangolins actually keep the forest healthy by controlling the termite population and keeping trees alive.
In July 2014, a mother orangutan and her tiny infant was spotted at our Hornbill Boardwalk for the first time. It was one of those unexpected and most exciting occurrence to ever happen at the lodge. She and her baby kept a safe distance of at least 50m away from people and was mostly in hiding. At that time, the mother orangutan was probably wondering, “What are these hairless creatures?” That year, she only appeared with her new born every three or four months, so it was quite rare to be able to sight them.
Mother orangutan and her baby spotted near the lodge enjoying a scrumptious meal of figs. Photo credit @Rahman
The following year, the mother orangutan and her baby started approaching closer to our lodge. At that time, the baby orangutan had already begun roaming freely away from his mother, while she watched intently over him from a safe distance. The little one will take its time to observe the curious humans at the lodge before returning back to its mother’s embrace. With abundant fruit trees available all year round around the lodge, and no threats or disturbance from humans, mother orangutan and baby have made Sukau Rainforest Lodge part of their home. From then on, they became our resident orangutans.
Baby orangutan wants to be held by its mama.
We decided to name both mother and baby orangutan and got our guests at that time involved in a naming contest. Kate Williams chose the name Lucky and Day for mother and baby, which signifies the ‘Lucky Day’ of being able to witness the orangutans at the lodge. It’s always a sight to behold at the lodge when they come to visit and those who get a chance to see them are always called the lucky ones.
By 2016, Lucky and Day have roamed closer to our Ape Gallery. Day is now reaching the juvenile age of 2 to 3 years old. Both orangutans have grown familiar with humans and don’t mind the attention they receive from guests observing them and taking their photos. They seem to enjoy the attention too! They love spending time eating fruits on a Tarap Tree (Artocarpus sp) and Strangling Fig Tree located next to the Ape Gallery. Lucky has also made a nest for herself and Day around the Hornbill Boardwalk area.
Lucky and Day spotted on a fine day at the lodge
Mother and juvenile orangutans’ visit have become more frequent by the following year. They have been spotted around the lodge every month, even reaching the villa areas even though there was construction work happening at that time. In December of 2017, Lucky and Day dropped by to visit us at our Melapi Restaurant by the river bank. It was definitely a joyful surprise for us and our guests.
Mother orangutan, Lucky
Baby orangutan, Day.
Today, Lucky and Day can still be seen around the lodge, especially around Hornbill Boardwalk, Borneo Villas and Kari Boardwalk. It is always a delight for us and our guests to see them and even if they are our resident orangutans and are seen more frequently now, it’s always a ‘Lucky Day’ for us to still spot them around the lodge!
Although Lucky and Day don’t see us as a threat to them, we always advise our guests to keep a safe distance of at least 20 meters away from these wildlife, and to not use flash photography when taking their photos as it may scare them away.
Guests enjoying the sighting of Lucky and Day near the villas. What a 'lucky day' it is for them!
(Photos are courtesy of Albert Teo, Founder and Managing Director of Sukau Rainforest Lodge)
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Sundays & Public Holidays